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The Trowel and Error Mayfield Gardening Symposium will take place Saturday April 6th, 2013 from 9:30AM – 1:00PM at Mayfield Park 3505 West 35th Street (Next to Laguna Gloria).

You won’t want to miss Trowel & Error Saturday, April 6th at Mayfield Park featuring three dynamic and knowledgeable garden experts,

Jay White~~ Currently “working very hard to complete a Master of Horticulture degree at Texas A&M.” In his spare time, he gardens and writes about the joys and trials of growing organically in his Brenham gardens. You can find more of Jay’s tips and tricks for growing flowers, vegetables, trees and perennials in Texas Gardener magazine, Texas LIVE or on his blog “the Masters of Horticulture” (

Vicki Blachman~~Former professional chef and food stylist, currently master gardener with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Her recipes emphasizing use of herbs and fresh, local ingredients have appeared in Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine and The Food Network, 2008. She is a contributing writer to Texas Gardener magazine.

Robin Howard Moore~~Owner of legendary Howard Nursery until it closed its doors. Created Robin’s Garden Designs landscape design and garden coaching. Her yard has recently appeared on Central Texas Gardener, and has been the site for a web commercial for General Electric. She LOVES to talk about plants!


Trowel & Error Flyer

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