Preserving and Protecting West Austin
The West Austin Neighborhood Group (WANG) is a non-profit organization of residents with the shared goal of preserving West Austin and protecting it from deterioration. WANG is concerned with community development, ecology, safety, and any other matters that indirectly and directly affect the quality and character of the neighborhood and the City of Austin.
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Special Events
West Austin Neighborhood Group
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:00 PM, Howson Library
I. Call to Order (Mike)
II. Approval of Minutes from board meetings on January 14, 2025 and December 10, 2024
III. Neighbor Communications/Announcements
IV. New Business — Tarrytown Blood Drive Support and Donation – Sunday April 6thfrom 8am – 12 noon at Tarrytown United Methodist church (Craig Lill)
V. Committee Reports and Appointments
A. Communications Committee: Chair (VP)
- Appointments: Sarah Cain and Mike Cannatti
- Newsletter Update ( account and transfer pending)
B. Membership Committee: Mike Cannatti (Chair)
- Appointments: George Edwards and Heidi Gibbons
- Current Membership: 96 paid members (including board members)
- Rebuild Membership Database from Paypal and bank accounts
C. Nominating Committee: Mike Cannatti, Holly Reed, President-Elect
- “At Large” Appointments: August Harris and Steven Swogger
D. Transportation Committee: Chair (?)
- Appointments: Holly Reed?
E. Zoning Committee : Blake Tollett (Chair)
- Appointments: Darcy Gardiner
- Proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance
- Administrative Approval of Site Plan at 2614½ Exposition (SPD-2024-00435D)
VI. ANC Report (Heidi Gibbons)
VII. Treasurer’s Report (George Edwards)
VIII. Next Meetings – 3/3/2025 @6pm, 4/7/2025 @6pm, and 5/5/2025 @6pm
IX. Adjourn Meeting
On April 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mayfield Park will host Trowel & Error, the Spring event that annually attracts gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Although lectures begin at 10:00, the event “opens” at 9:30 for those early birds who want to purchase Mayfield’s hard-to-find heirloom bulbs and perennials for their April gardens and to stroll the garden paths in the early morning peacefulness.
Sponsored by Friends of the Parks of Austin, Trowel & Error will feature three dynamic and knowledgeable garden experts including Jenny Peterson, author, landscape designer Healing Gardens: Body, Mind, Spirit ; Eva Maria Van Dyke, insect advocate Gardening on the Wild Side and Keri Anderson, terrarium designer Terrariums Today: Go Undercover With Seeds and Plants.
Not to be missed will be the legendary raffle of “garden goodies”. Everyone goes home a winner. It’s a wonderful way, rain or shine, to spend a morning learning how to add color into your landscape while relaxing among gregarious peafowl, towering palms, flowering trees, and ponds filled with lilies…and for only a $5.00 donation!! For more information please contact or
Signed copies of Jenny Peterson’s new book, Cancer Survivor’s Garden Companion: Cultivating Hope, Healing and Joy in the Ground Beneath Your Feet will be available for purchase.