Preserving and Protecting West Austin
The West Austin Neighborhood Group (WANG) is a non-profit organization of residents with the shared goal of preserving West Austin and protecting it from deterioration. WANG is concerned with community development, ecology, safety, and any other matters that indirectly and directly affect the quality and character of the neighborhood and the City of Austin.
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Special Events
West Austin Neighborhood Group
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:00 PM, Howson Library
I. Call to Order (Mike)
II. Approval of Minutes from board meetings on January 14, 2025 and December 10, 2024
III. Neighbor Communications/Announcements
IV. New Business — Tarrytown Blood Drive Support and Donation – Sunday April 6thfrom 8am – 12 noon at Tarrytown United Methodist church (Craig Lill)
V. Committee Reports and Appointments
A. Communications Committee: Chair (VP)
- Appointments: Sarah Cain and Mike Cannatti
- Newsletter Update ( account and transfer pending)
B. Membership Committee: Mike Cannatti (Chair)
- Appointments: George Edwards and Heidi Gibbons
- Current Membership: 96 paid members (including board members)
- Rebuild Membership Database from Paypal and bank accounts
C. Nominating Committee: Mike Cannatti, Holly Reed, President-Elect
- “At Large” Appointments: August Harris and Steven Swogger
D. Transportation Committee: Chair (?)
- Appointments: Holly Reed?
E. Zoning Committee : Blake Tollett (Chair)
- Appointments: Darcy Gardiner
- Proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance
- Administrative Approval of Site Plan at 2614½ Exposition (SPD-2024-00435D)
VI. ANC Report (Heidi Gibbons)
VII. Treasurer’s Report (George Edwards)
VIII. Next Meetings – 3/3/2025 @6pm, 4/7/2025 @6pm, and 5/5/2025 @6pm
IX. Adjourn Meeting
by: Cathy Kyle
Summer arrived in full force last week, bringing unbearably hot and humid afternoons. The rains of early June seem a distant memory, although our lakes and streams are still wonderfully full. It’s the only time of year that you’re able to swim in Barton Creek! Despite the heat, there’s lots going on in our neighborhood that you won’t want to miss.
The best is the annual July 4th parade. Kudos to Charisse Sayers and her team for taking over the planning, organizing, and fundraising for this event. I vividly remember decorating the boys’ bikes in festive streamers, lining up near Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, and making our way through the neighborhood to Reed Park. Some brought picnic lunches, others were grilling, and I believe that Jim-Jim’s was on-hand. This year’s event is definitely more upscale, with food and games to celebrate the day. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with neighbors and meet new folks.
Another terrific local event is the upcoming Movie in the Park, organized by the inimitable Elizabeth Adams. On Friday, July 15, we’ll screen Inside Out at Tarrytown Park. The fun will start about 6 pm, with games, food and other delights. The movie was chosen based on an online poll conducted through WANG’s website –many thanks to all who took the time to vote. The screening will start at dusk. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs and a picnic, and join in the fun. This event is sponsored by WANG and Grande Communications, among other underwriters.
You may have heard that Deep Eddy pool is celebrating its centennial this summer. It will also be screening a series of movies
through the Parks and Rec Department. The ever-popular Raiders of the Lost Ark will be shown on July 9. Nothing beats the summer heat quite like watching a great movie from the water.You can find a complete listing of movies at Deep Eddy at, along with other opportunities to support the pool by joining with Friends of Deep Eddy.
Whatever your preference or inclination, there’s sure to be something something going on in the neighborhood to help you beat the heat and enjoy the inimitable Austin summer. We’ll continue to post events on the calendar at, so check it out!