Categories: Save Muny

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President’s Message by Holly Reed

MUNY Turns 100! 1924-2024

This year the Lions Municipal Golf Course (MUNY) is 100 years old! Events are happening throughout the year to honor this historic public golf course in the heart of Austin. As the first public course to desegregate in the South (1950) MUNY is a nationally recognized Civil Rights Landmark. Yet despite its incredible history, essential open green space with hundreds of heritage trees, wildlife refuge and water recharge zone, needed now more than ever in this growing City, MUNY is still in danger of being closed and paved over as a luxury mixed use development. We must not let this happen!

Please join WANG in celebrating MUNY’S CENTENNIAL by supporting the effort to SAVE MUNY. Visit for information on how you can help!

SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 3rd, 2024 for MUNY’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION sponsored by the Founder Lions Club of Austin and the Muny Conservancy. Parade, Proclamations, Music, Golf Tournament and MORE!

WANG Board Member Mary Arnold has been working to SAVE MUNY for 50 years and has written this wonderful summary of how MUNY began.

IT’S JANUARY 1, 1924!

Calvin Coolidge is President of the United States. Pat Neff is Governor of Texas. William D. Yett is Mayor of Austin Texas.

Members of the University of Texas Board of Regents include Regents Stark (Chairman,) Caldweil, Cochran, 0’Hair, Royall, R. G. Storey of Tyler succeeding Marshall Hicks, (resigned,) Wooten, and Wroe. William S. Sutton is Interim President of the University of Texas at Austin.

The local newspaper reported that the New Year’s celebrations in Austin were certainly not as loud and noisy as usual!   The Society section reported many members and guests celebrating at the Austin Country Club.

And the Lions Club members in Austin were looking forward to continuing their efforts to initiate and support projects that would benefit the citizens of Austin. One of the projects that the Lions Club helped with in 1923-1924 was raising funds for the University of Texas to build the Texas Memorial Stadium.  Teams of Lions Club members were formed, and each team solicited funds.

Another group of Lions Club members had been working on a project to find land in Austin suitable for creating a Municipal Golf Course for the City of Austin. At this time, there was only one golf course in Austin and it was a private club….NOT open to the public, called the Austin Country Club. The Lions Club had examined several potential areas, but had decided to ask for land that was part of the Brackenridge Tract, belonging to the University of Texas. The Lions Club group approached the UT Board of Regents at their April 15, 1924 meeting.  The UT Board of Regents Minutes for that meeting report the following:


A committee from the Lions Club of Austin, Mssrs. A.W. Griffith, Johnnie Tobin, and Frank Rowe, came before the Board with a proposition to lease a portion of the Brackenridge Tract for the purpose of constructing a municipal golf links. After discussion, the Board, on motion of Mr. Jones, voted in favor of the lease, subject to the approval of the Attorney General, for a consideration of sixty dollars per year (which is an increase over present income) and the beautifying of the grounds and upkeep of the fences, with the understanding that the trees are not to be cut, only underbrush cleared off, and no concessions allowed on the grounds. The Chairman of the Board was empowered to execute the lease.”

At the May 28, 1924, meeting of the UT Board of Regents, the Minutes report the following:

MUNICIPAL GOLF LINKS – On the motion of Dr. Wooten, seconded by Dr. Storey, the Board authorizes the Chairman of the Board to sign the lease contract with the Lions Club of Austin for a municipal golf links on the Brackenridge Tract after carefully examining the contract and finding it satisfactory.”



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