June Monthly Meeting

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Please join us June 10, 2024 6:00PM at the Austin Public Library Howson Branch for our June monthly meeting.

West Austin Neighborhood Group
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
June 10, 2024 6:00 PM

Howson Public Library, 2500 Exposition Blvd. Austin TX 78703

I. Call to Order Holly Reed
II. Land Matters Blake Tollett, WANG
Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team
Victoria Hasse, Thrower Design

A. 2614 Exposition Blvd. Neighborhood Plan Amendment / Zoning Change Request
NPA-2024-0027.01: To change the future land use map (FLUM) from Single Family to Mixed
Use/Office land use.
C14-2024-0051: To change the zoning from SF-3-NP (Family Residence district-
Neighborhood Plan) to GO-MU-NP (General Office district—Mixed Use combining
district—Neighborhood Plan) for private school and religious assembly/church.
III. Approval of May 2024 Meeting Minutes Holly Reed
IV. Neighbor Communications / Announcements Holly Reed
A. Johnson Creek Trail Litter Pickup Kathryn Ehlert
B. Tarrytown 4 th of July Parade
C. Reed Park WPD Project Update
V. Transportation
A. Speed calming on Enfield Road
VI. Membership Joe Bennett
VII. Newsletter / E-Newsletter / Website Holly Reed, Joe Bennett
VIII. ANC Report Joyce Basciano
IX. Treasurer’s Report George Edwards
X. Items from Board Members
A. Save Muny Update Mary Arnold
XI. New Business Holly Reed
A. Next meeting: Monday, July 8, 2024, 6 PM at Howson Public Library
XII. Adjourn Meeting

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