Neighborhood Plan Meeting Announcement

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PURPOSE OF MEETING: The City of Austin is sponsoring this community meeting to provide an opportunity for the applicant, neighborhood planning contact team, nearby residents/property owners and any other interested parties to discuss the proposed

March 31, 2015 CWANPCT Meeting Agenda

March 31st, 2015|0 Comments

March 31, 2015 CWANPCT Meeting Agenda The Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Contact Team will meet on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 (6:30PM) at Howson Branch Library to discuss the proposed Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment

Executive Committee Meeting Agenda October 10, 2017 (7:30 pm) at 2100 Stamford Lane

Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting to update NPCT ExComm membership with PHNA appointees and to discuss CodeNEXT status and consider one or more of the following actions.

  1.  Send a letter to Council and the Planning Commission requesting additional time for the CodeNext process.  We’ve already sent one such letter to Council.
  2. Vote on whether to support the “Communities Not Commodities” petition and efforts.
  3. Vote on whether to circulate a message to our neighborhood expressing our opposition to the current draft of CodeNext.  Set forth below is a drafted message to discuss, but improvements are welcome.

Message from Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team:

“There’s no sense in shoving density where it would ruin the character of the city we’re trying to save in the first place, where it’s not wanted by its neighbors, and where we would never get enough of the additional housing supply we need anyway.”  Mayor Steve Adler, State of the City Address, 1/28/2017

Out of concern that CodeNext will damage our community, we want our City Council and staff to know that the new CodeNEXT draft and map should be stopped and reworked because the current draft will ruin the character of our Central West Austin neighborhoods by:

  1. Increasing residential density to our interior neighborhoods with the proposed R3 zoning which allows 3 units for any lot over 5,000 sq. ft. — a 50% increase in houses per lot.
  2. Increasing “on-street” parking in our residential neighborhoods by reducing on-site parking requirements for residential and commercial properties while increasing commercial traffic and residential density.
  3. Authorizing higher-traffic businesses without adequate parking near Casis Elementary, Tarrytown Shopping Center, and Deep Eddy neighborhood, threatening the safety of students and pedestrians.
  4. Inflicting environmental damage to our neighborhood’s Water Supply Suburban Watersheds through increased urban runoff and pollutants into Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, and our drinking water supply.
  5. Increasing the complexity of our Land Development Code with new, overly complex regulations that are not fully understood by our Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission, much less our community.
  6. Upzoning commercial properties to permit more intensive uses that would damage our single-family neighborhoods.
  7. Authorizing staff approval of development errors over building limits while reducing “interested party” appeal rights to challenge erroneous staff decisions.
  8. Eliminating our Neighborhood Plan protections which preserve the existing character and integrity of single-family neighborhoods to reflect the historical nature and residential character of the neighborhood.

How to Contact City Council and Staff:

There are three important ways to let the City know of your concerns.

First, you can enter comments about the proposed zoning on a specific parcel or zoning district at the bottom of this page,

Second, you can let the Planning Commission members know of your concerns using the following emails:;;;;;;;;;;;

Finally, you can also contact the City Council members directly with the following group email page,

Background Information:

If you want to check out the proposed zoning for your own property, you can find your house by entering your address on the map at the following address:

You can then look up what your zoning code means at:  Look under the Section D….

And here is a map showing the new zoning for our entire neighborhood (right click and open in new window to view):


NPCT Executive Committee Annual Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 7:00 PM (Howson Branch Library)

I.      Call to Order

II.  Approval of Minutes from April 20, May 18, and June 30, 2015 NPCT meetings, along with record of approved NPCT letters and electronic votes to sign onto the 11/9/15 letter from Austin Parks Foundation regarding concerns with the Parkland Development Ordinance, and our 1/12/16 and 2/10/16 letters to Planning Commission and Council regarding amendments to the PUD ordinance to apply to unzoned land.

III.    Officer Elections – At the Annual Meeting, we are scheduled to hold our annual election for Officers.  Our current officers are Mike Cannatti (Chair), August Harris (Vice Chair), and Joyce Basciano (Secretary).  Please let me know if anyone is interested in filling or changing the officer positions.

Any officers should confirm that they meet the requirement in our bylaws that all officer “candidates must be qualified NPCT Executive Committee Members in good standing” who meet the eligibility requirements of being a property owner, residential renter, business owner or neighborhood organization member within the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area.

IV.    Neighborhood Plan Priorities Online Survey – Presentation from city staff

V.      Proposed Ordinance on Contact Planning Teams – Discussion

V.      State Supported Living Center – Discussion for background information regarding the the “Planning Study” for the State Supported Living Center


Board Meeting Agenda June 30, 2015 – Howson Branch Library

Meet with city staff to discuss their recommendations for the 1506 W. 34th FLUM amendment request and NPCT concerns regarding same.


Board Meeting Agenda May 18, 2015 – Howson Branch Library

Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting To Discuss State Supported Living Center and related neighborhood plan guidance.


Annual Meeting Agenda April 20, 2015 (6:30 pm) – Howson Branch Library

On Monday, April 20, 2015 (6:30 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider the following agenda items:

Roll Call – 6:30 pm

Joyce Basciano, Mike Cannatti, Michael Curry, August Harris, Frank Hartman, Roya Johnson, Jerry Lloyd, Mark Nixon, Tomas Pantin, Blake Tollett, Betty Trent, Diane Umstead, Tina Weinberger

New Business6:32 pm

  1.  Officer Elections:  At the Annual Meeting, we are scheduled to hold our annual election for Officers.  Our current officers are Mike Cannatti (Chair), August Harris (Vice Chair), and Joyce Basciano (Secretary). Please let me know if anyone is interested in filling or changing the officer positions.

Any officers should confirm that they meet the requirement in our bylaws that all officer “candidates must be qualified NPCT Executive Committee Members in good standing” who meet the eligibility requirements of being a property owner, residential renter, business owner or neighborhood organization member within the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area.

Adjourn6:45 pm


Board Meeting Agenda February 5, 2015 (7 pm) – Howson Branch Library

On Thursday, February 5, 2015 (7:00 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider the following agenda items:

Roll Call – 7:00 pm

Joyce Basciano, Mike Cannatti, Michael Curry, Craig Duewall, August Harris, Roya Johnson, Jerry Lloyd, Mark Nixon, Blake Tollett, Betty Trent, Diane Umstead, Tina Weinberger, Vivian Wilson

New Business7:02 pm

1.            NPCT Executive Committee replacement elections:

– Tomas Pantin to replace Vivian Wilson for “WANG PA Residential Property Owner” Position; and

– Frank Hartmann to replace Craig Duewall for “PHNA Board Member” Position.

2.      Meet with Sheri Gallo (City Council District 10) to communicate with District 10 stakeholders, including specifically the neighborhood plan contact team (Sheri Gallo, Taylor Smith).

3.      NPCT input re conflict between NP language (Land use recommendation L.2.1) and 2300-2304 Enfield Road Proposed Apartment Building (Michael Cannatti)

4.      Report on Lone Star Rail District Public Meeting – January 21, 2015 (August Harris)

5.      Public Dialogue Meeting on Walsh Boat Landing – January 13, 2015 (Blake Tollett)

6.      Update report re Approved sidewalk fee-in-lieu payments and O.Henry/Exposition Boulevard sidewalk. (Blake Tollett)

Adjourn8:45 pm


Board Meeting Agenda September 29, 2014 (6:30 pm) – Howson Branch Library

1108 West 31st Street – On Monday, September 29, 2014 (6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team met to consider a proposed plan amendment for 1108 West 31st Street.  Meetings details posted at the NPA Case Info.  After consideration at the meeting, the NPCT postponed decision on the requested plan amendment pending further negotiations between the applicant and neighbor stakeholders.

The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Map to change the current “Multifamily” land use to “Mixed Use/Office” land use.

The meeting is being sponsored by the City of Austin as a community meeting to provide an opportunity for the applicant, neighborhood planning contact team, nearby residents/property owners and other interested parties to discuss the proposed plan amendment, zoning change, and restrictive covenant applications in a Q & A format so people can get more information about the plan amendment and zoning change requests. If someone can’t attend the meeting but has questions they’d like answered, they can either send their questions to Maureen Meredith or have someone at the meeting ask the questions for them. If people want to make general comments about the cases, they can email and/or their comments for inclusion in the case reports that will be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council. People can also wait until they get the Notice of Public Hearing notices in the mail (once the cases are scheduled) which will have a comment form attached to it and they can send the form to us at that time.

This FLUM amendment is being considered “out of cycle” because on August 12, 2014, the NPCT Executive Committee voted to approve the request for out-of-cycle consideration of a neighborhood plan amendment based on the condition that the application will be pursued in the name of the property owner, and further on the condition the following restrictions will be included in the zoning request:  (i) the FLUM change being requested would be to “Mixed Use/ Office” like the school property to the north, and (ii) the LO-MU zoning would be restricted by a conditional overly (CO) that would (a) limit uses to private school uses and residential uses allowed in MF-2 only, and (b) restrict any residential uses to MF-2 site development regulations.  With these restrictions the use of the property would be limited to how it is currently zoned or for private school uses, and no others.

2208 Lake Austin Boulevard – On Wednesday, March, 12, 2014 (6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) at Terrazas Branch Public Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team met to consider a proposed plan amendment for 2208 Lake Austin Blvd.  Meetings details posted NPA-2014-0027.01_Cmty MtgNotice.

In connection with the requested neighborhood plan amendment, Applicant’s representative (Alice Glasco) has provided the “2208 Lake Austin Blvd Info for WANG Contact Team” and “2208 Lake Austin Blvd Letter to Greg Guernsey” stating their case for the Neighborhood Plan Amendment, along with their related requests for a Zoning Change and Termination of the Restrictive Covenant set forth at the links below:



C14-80-016RCT (Restrictive Covenant Termination)

After the conclusion of the meeting, the NPCT voted to oppose the requested plan amendment.