Every LHD is intended to conform to the values and desires of the neighborhood it applies to. If we had an LHD, what should it look like? Based in part on the work done by the Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association, WANG has defined the following set of Guiding Principals for what we think our neighbors […]
Some of the detailed requirements are still in flux, but based on what we know now, this is the process we think we would follow if we were to become an LHD. 1. We complete an LHD Nomination Form, which must include: · Maps, detailed building inventory, photographs · Final Preservation Plan (i.e. design standards. […]
Consideration of a Local Historical District for West Austin Neighborhood Group West Austin is composed of stable, quiet, inner-city neighborhoods which contain traditional residential development and park land shaded by a wealth of beautiful trees. The many qualities of our neighborhood that attracted many of us to move here continue to create demand for this […]