Preserving and Protecting West Austin
The West Austin Neighborhood Group (WANG) is a non-profit organization of residents with the shared goal of preserving West Austin and protecting it from deterioration. WANG is concerned with community development, ecology, safety, and any other matters that indirectly and directly affect the quality and character of the neighborhood and the City of Austin.
Contact Us
Let us know about neighborhood issues and concerns! You can reach us at
WANG Newsletter
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Special Events
West Austin Neighborhood Group
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 6:00 PM, Howson Library
I. Call to Order (Mike)
II. Approval of Minutes from December 10, 2024 board meeting (?)
III. Neighbor Communications
- Marc Duchen, Austin City Council Member, District 10
- Austin Wildfire Hub Meeting (Feb. 11, 2-4pm at St. Matt’s Austin, Huffman Hall, 8134 Mesa Drive)
IV. Major Issues in 2025
- Status Update and Next Steps for Muny Golf Course/Save Muny
- Status Update and Next Steps for Brackenridge Tract
- Status Update on Tarrytown Shopping Center (Beer Plant)
- Status Update on State Supported Living Center
- Wildfire Preparation/Prevention
- Website Cleanup, Records organization, Newsletter, Social Media
V. Board, Officer and Membership Goals
- Complete Full Board (15) with new/young board members and officers using Nominating Committee process in bylaws
- Vacant Officer Positions – President Elect/Vice President and Secretary(?)
- Expand current membership (53, not including board) to 346 (out of 3,461 total households per 2000 census)
- Organize community events with appeal to young families
VI. Bylaws Review
- Membership Committee and Chair (?) (appointed by President)
- Nominating Committee
- Transportation Committee and Chair
- Zoning Committee and Chair (Blake)
- Communications Committee and Chair (VP)
VII. Zoning Report (Blake)
VIII. Treasurer’s Report (George)
IX. Next Meetings – 2/11/2025 @6pm, 3/3/2025 @6pm, and 4/7/2025 @6pm
X. Adjourn Meeting
City of Austin’s Watershed Protection Department is planning to turn Reed Park’s ball field into a water retention pond – depositing 30,000 lbs of sediment per year into the ball field. Our green space and park land are in danger of becoming a mud pit and the historical preservation and natural beauty of our park will be forever changed for the worse. Everyone who visits our beautiful park will be affected. Sign this petition to show you OPPOSE the Watershed Protection Department’s proposed plan for Reed Park! Help us put an end to this proposal and keep Reed Park’s open play field the way it is!
Land Development Updates
WANG has sent a letter to the City of Austin Planning Commission regarding the Proposed HOME Ordinance. Click below to see the letter and information about the ordinance.
WANG Letter to PC HOME 042224C H.O.M.E. and Compatibilty Ordinances
What Passed? and What Is Coming?
Land Code Changes Passed in 2023 (“H.O.M.E” Phase 1)
More Dwelling Units on Single-Family Lots
Three dwelling units per lot are now authorized in single-family districts SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3. An 11,500 square foot lot zoned SF-2 or SF-3 can now have six units without a zoning change, with a re-subdivision into two lots. If you don’t know your property’s current zoning designation, you can find it by entering your address here.More Cars on Your Street
If more than one unit is being built on the lot it can be 15 feet from the street, with up to four parking spaces in the front yard. Mayor Watson’s council eliminated minimum parking requirements earlier in 2023, so all other parking may be on the street.More Short-Term Rentals (STRs)
For a duplex or two-unit build, one unit can be used as an STR. For three units, there are no restrictions on short-term rentals.Loss of “McMansion” Protections
Floor area ratio (FAR) regulates the cumulative size of structures on a site, and Phase 1 of “H.O.M.E” increases FAR as additional units are added. If all or part of an existing dwelling unit is preserved, the new units are exempted from the limits. The previous “McMansion” rules, limited FAR to .4, meaning a 4,000-square-foot house was allowed on a 10,000 square foot lot. Under Phase 1 of “H.O.M.E.”, a landowner or developer can build 10,000 square feet of units on a 10,000-square-foot lot if the existing unit is preserved.Loss of Occupancy Limits
Local housing occupancy limits are removed, overriding previous rules limiting occupants to four unrelated people or fewer.Reduction in Minimum Lot Sizes
Having established the right to build three units per lot in Phase 1, the city council plans to reduce minimum lot sizes from 5,750 feet in SF-2 and SF-3 zones during Phase 2. It also plans to reduce the 10,000-square-foot-lot limit in SF-1 to a much smaller size (perhaps as small as 2,500 square feet) and allow existing single-family lots to be subdivided into multiple lots. According to the council’s Housing and Planning Committee, the planned ordinance will “adjust setbacks, height, and impervious cover for single-family zoning to allow more units on smaller lots.” After lot subdivision, the net effect will be as many as nine or more units on existing lots depending on current size.Extreme Changes to Compatibility Standards
The city plans to reduce compatibility standards to only regulate building height for the first 75 linear feet from a single family home.